LaurusNobilis: A Fatface Serif
LaurusNobilis is personal project that explores principles of Victorian type design, particularly display and fatface typographies, among them those designed by A.W. Kinsley & Co, the typefaces Caslon 1841, Falstaff, and Ultra Bodoni—characterized by high contrast strokes and heavy visual weight—in combination with modernist typography, particularly reflected in the work of Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase. This is an ongoing project, and I expect to start working on further variations to include Extended and Italic variations and support for other international languages soon.
LaurusNobilis currently supports international Latin-based languages, including Pinyin, Vietnamese, Western and Eastern European, and partial support for South-Eastern European and Pan African Latin languages.
Currently, LaurusNobilis is available for free. If you use it in a project, please share the result with me by sending an email to me (at) danielecheverri (dot) co