
123, A Deconstruction-based Framework

123, A Deconstruction-based Framework

123 Un Marco de Trabajo Basado en la Deconstruction
Investigación, Diseño y Concepto/Research, Design and Concept: Daniel Echeverri

In Structuralism, language always has a signifier (the word “car”) that points to a signified (the physical object that is). We understand signifiers based on binary oppositions: A car is called “car” since there are other things that are not cars. Deconstruction tries to destabilize the direct link between sign and signifier. It argues that signifiers do not refer to signifieds, but to other signifiers. For example the word “India” does not signify a single thing, but the signifiers that might contextualize and define it.
Our language is a system of linked signifiers rather than fixed structures. Deconstruction creates new meaning by creating new relationships.

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