
What’s Real? Investigating Multimodality

What’s Real? Investigating Multimodality

What’s Real? Investigating Multimodality (2014)
Que es Real? Investigando Multimodalidad
Sombreros de Copa y Sonido/ Top Hats and Sound
Diseño Interactivo /Interaction Design: Daniel Echeverri, Gina LaRoca, Joshua Bird
Diseño del Espacio / Space Design: Jamie LeFevre, Lauren Cengel, Joe Kirkpatrick, Kate Lingefeld

“What’s Real? Investigating Multimodality” was a collaborative exhibition that was created, designed and installed by students in the following spring 2014 courses: Interaction Design: Spaces and Systems, taught by Jessica S. Barness, assistant professor, School of Visual Communication Design; Object Knowledge, taught by Kiersten F. Latham, assistant professor and MuseLab curator, School of Library and Information Science; and Packaging, Promotion and Retail Environments, taught by David A. Middleton, associate professor, School of Visual Communication Design.

The exhibition focused on four modes of interaction to communicate – sound, movement, touch and text – around the central topic, a top hat.

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