
Digital Design

Digital Design

Graphic Design 1: Packaging Design and Pictograms

Graphic Design 1: Packaging Design and Pictograms

Typography 1: Movie Posters

Typography 1: Movie Posters

Graphic Design 2: Branding

Graphic Design 2: Branding

Typography 2: Book Cover and City Guide

Typography 2: Book Cover and City Guide

Information Design

Information Design

Interactive Media: Public Design

Interactive Media: Public Design

Interactive Media: Mobile and Wearable Interaction

Interactive Media: Mobile and Wearable Interaction

Editorial Photography

Editorial Photography

History of Graphic Design

History of Graphic Design

2017 Capstone Projects

2017 Capstone Projects

Portraits and Triptychs

Portraits and Triptychs

Package Design

Package Design

Photography 2: Emirati Food

Photography 2: Emirati Food

Graphic Design 2

Graphic Design 2

UAE Produce Infographics

UAE Produce Infographics

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